The PC-SIG Library 9
The PC-SIG Library on CD ROM - Ninth Edition.iso
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.Notice - Last Update:1988/07/09 17:30
Importance Notice: The information contained in this option are for quick
reference only. The accuracy of it should be based on your
language manual.
Set Up By : Kuang H. Tseng
Language : MACRO ASSEMBLER(5.0) by Microsoft(R)
. 1. Language Elements
Character Sets
A-Z, a-z, 0-9, ? @ _ $ : . [ ] ( ) < > { } + - / *
& % ! ' ~ | \ = # ^ ; , ` "
Data fields - (refer to separate key line for more detail)
Constants - (refer to separate key line for more detail)
Comments - after special character ';'
Identifiers - (refer to separate key line for more)
Instructions - (refer to separate key line for more)
Operators - (refer to separate key line for more)
Program Line
Compiler Directives - (refer to separate key line for more)
Compiler Options - (refer to separate key line for more)
. 2. Data fields
DB (byte) - 1 byte
DW (word) - 2 bytes
DD (doubleword) - 4 bytes
DF (farword) - 6 bytes
DQ (quadword) - 8 bytes
DT (tenbytes) - 10 bytes
. 3.1 Identifiers (symbols/names/labels)
- Alphabetic letters A to Z, digits 0 to 9, special characters ? . @ _ $
(but ? or $ can not stand alone as identifier)
- The first character must be an alphabetic letter, a special character or .
- Default is case insensitive but can be overruled with compiler option
- Up to 31 characters are significant
. 3.2 Predefined Equate Symbols
@Code - alias equate for .CODE segment name
@CodeSize - numeric equate indicates code memory model,0/1/2
@CurSeg - current segment name
@Data - alias equate for .DATA data group name
@DataSize - numeric equate that indicates the data memory model
@FarData - alias equate for initialized far data segment name
@FarData? - alias equate for uninitialized far data segment name
@FileName - current source file
. 3.3 Constants
Binary - radix specifier B, i.e., 01011010B
Octal - radix specifier Q or O
Decimal - radix specifier D
Hexadecimal - radix specifier H, number start with a decimal digit
Packed binary coded decimals
Real numbers - consist of an integer part,a fractional part and an exponent
Strings - consist of one or more ASCII characters enclosed in ' or "
. 4.1. Operators
Arithmetic Operator
+ addition
- subtraction/negative unary
* multiplication
/ integer division
MOD remainder(modulus)
Index Operator
[] addition
Shift Operator
Logical Operators
NOT bitwise complement
AND bitwise AND
OR bitwise inclusive OR
XOR bitwise exclusive OR
Relational Operators
EQ true if equal
NE true if not equal
LT true if less than
LE true if less than and equal
GT true if greater than
GE true if greater and equal
Segment Override Operator
: address relative to a specific segment
Type Operator
. 4.2. Operator Precedence
. 5.1. List of Instructions (all processors) by Name & Description in Name order
AAA - ASCII adjust after addition
AAD - ASCII adjust before division
AAM - ASCII adjust after multiply
AAS - ASCII adjust after subtraction
ADC - add with carry
ADD - add
AND - logical and
CALL - call procedure
CBW - convert byte to word
CLC - clear carry flag
CLD - clear direction flag
CLI - clear interrupt flag
CMC - complement carry flag
CMP - compare two operands
CMPS/CMPSB/CMPSW/CMPSD - compare string
CWD - convert word to double
DAA - decimal adjust after addition
DAS - decimal adjust after subtraction
DEC - decrement
DIV - unsigned divide
ESC - escape
HLT - halt
IDIV - signed divide
IMUL - signed multiply
IN - input from port
INC - increment
INT - interrupt
IINTO - interrupt on overflow
IRET/IRETD - interrupt return
JA/JNBE - jump if above/not below or equal
JB/JNAE - jump if below/not above or equal (unsigned comparisons)
JAE/JNB - jump if above or equal/not below (unsigned comparisons)
JBE/JNA - jump if below or equal/not above (unsigned comparisons)
JE/JZ - jump if equal(zero)
JNE/JNZ - jump if not equal(not zero)
JL/JNGE - jump if less/not greater or equal (signed comparisions)
JGE/JNL - jump if greater/not less or equal (signed comparisions)
JLE/JNG - jump if less or equal/not greater (signed comparisions)
JG/JNLE - jump if greater/not less or equal (signed comparisions)
JS - jump if sign
JNS - jump if not sign
JC - jump if carry
JNC - jump if not carry
JO - jump if overflow
JNO - jump if not overflow
JP/JPE - jump if parity/parity even
JNP/JPO - jump if no parity/parity odd
JCXZ/JECXZ -jump if CX is zero
JMP - jump unconditionally
LAHF -load flags into AH register
LDS/LES/LFS/LGS/LSS - load far pointer
LEA - load effective address
LES/LFS/LGS - load far pointer to extra segment
LOCK - lock the bus
LODS/LODSB/LODSW/LODSD - load string operand
LOOP - loop
LOOPE/LOOPZ - loop if equal
LOOPNE/LOOPNZ - loop if not equal
LSS - load far pointer to stack segment
MOV - move data
MOVS/MOVSB/MOVSW/MOVSD - move string data
MUL - unsigned multiply
NEG - two's complement negation
NOP - no operation
NOT - one's complement negation
OR - inclusive or
OUT - output to port
POP - pop
POPF/POPFD - pop flags
PUSH - push
PUSHF/PUSHFD - push flags
RCL/RCR/ROL/ROR - rotate
REP MOVS/MOVSB/MOVSW - repeat string move
REP STOS/STOSB/STOSW - repeat store string
REPE/REPZ CMPS/CMPSB/CMPSW - repeat compare string while equal
REPE/REPZ SCAS/SCASB/SCASW - repeat scan string while equal
REPNE/REPNZ CMPS/CMPSB/CMPSW - repeat compare string while not equal
REPNE/REPNZ SCAS/SCASB/SCASW - repeat scan string while not equal
RET/RETN/RETF - return from procedure
ROL/ROR - rotate
SAHF - store ah into flags
SBB - subtract with borrow
SCAS/SCASB/SCASW/SCASD - scan string flags
STC - set carry flag
STD - set direction flag
STI - set interrupt flag
STOS/STOSB/STOSW/STOSD - store string data
SUB - subtract
TEST - logical compare
WAIT - wait
XCHG - exchange
XLAT/XLATB - translate
XOR - exclusive or
. 5.2. List of Instructions (80186-80386) by Name & Description in Name order
BOUND - check array bounds
ENTER - make stack frame
INS/INSB/INSD/INSW - input from port to string
LEAVE - terminate stack frame initialized by ENTER instruction
OUTS/OUTSB/OUTSD/OUTSW - output a string to a port
PUSHA - push all general-purpose registers onto stack
POPA - pop the top 16 bytes of the stack onto DI,SI,BP,SP,BX,DX,CX,AX
. 5.3. List of Instructions (80286-80386) by Name & Description in Name order
ARPL - adjust requested
CLTS - clear task switched flag
LAR - load access rights
LGDT/LIDT/LLDT - load descriptor table
LMSW - load machine status word
LSL - load segment limit
LTR - load task register
SGDT/SIDT/SLDT - store descriptor table
SMSW - store machine status word
STR - store task register
VERR/VERW - verify read or write
. 5.4. List of Instructions (80386 only) by Name & Description in Name order
BSF/BSR - bit scan
BT/BTC/BTR/BTS - bit tests
CDQ - convert doubleword to quadword
CMPSD - compare string in doubleword data element size
CWDE - convert word to extended double
INSD - input from port to string in doubleword data element size
IRETD - interrupt return
JECXZ - jump if CX is zero
LFS/LGS/LSS - load far pointer to stack segment
LODSD - load string operand in doubleword data element size
MOVSD - move string data in doubleword data element size
MOVSX - move with sign-extend
MOVZX - move with zero-extend
OUTSD - output string to port in doubleword data element size
POPFD - pop flags into the 32-bit flags register
POPAD - pop 32-bit registers of AX,CX,DX,BX,SP,BP,DI
PUSHAD - push 32-bit registers of AX,CX,DX,BX,SP,BP,SI,DI
PUSHFD - push the 32-bit flags register
SCASD - scan string in doubleword data element size
SETA - set if above
SETAE - set if not above or equal
SETB - set if below
SETC - set if carry
SETE - set if equal/zero
SETG - set if greater
SETGE - set if not greater or equal
SETL - set if less
SETLE - set if less or equal
SETNA - set if not above
SETNAE - set if not above or equal
SETNB - set if not below
SETNBE - set if not below or equal
SETNC - set if not carry
SETNE - set if not equal
SETNG - set if not greater or equal
SETNGE - set if not greater or equal
SETNL - set if not less
SETNLE - set if not less or equal
SETNO - set if not overflow
SETNP - set if not parity
SETNS - set if not sign
SETNZ - set if not zero
SETO - set if overflow
SETP - set if parity
SETPE - set if parity even
SETS - set if sign
SETZ - set if zero
SHLD/SHRD - double precision shift
STOSD - store string data in doublewod data element size
. 5.5. List of Instructions (8087-80387) by Name & Description in Name order
F2XM1 - 2^X-1
FABS - absolute value
FCHS - change sign
FCLEX/FNCLEX - clear exceptions
FDECSTP - decrement stack pointer
FDISI/FNDISI - disable interrupts
FDIVR/FDIVRP/FIDIVR - divide reversed
FENI/FNENI - enable interrupts
FFREE - free register
FIST/FISTP - store integer
FLDCW - load control word
FLDENV - load environment state
FINCSTP - increment stack pointer
FINIT/FNINIT - initialize coprocessor
FNOP - no operation
FPATAN - partial arctangent
FPREM - partial remainder
FPTAN - partial tangent
FRNDINT - round to integer
FRSTOR - restore saved state
FSAVE/FNSAVE - save coprocessor state
FSCALE - scale
FSQRT - square root
FSTCW/FNSTCW - store control word
FSTENV/FNSTENV - store environment state
FSTSW/FNSTSW - store status word
FSUBR/FSUBRP/FISUBR - subtract reversed
FWAIT - wait
FXAM - examine
FXCH - exchange registers
FXTRACT - extract exponent and significand
FYL2X - Y log2(X)
FYL2XP1 - Y log2(X+1)
. 6.1. EXE program structure
TITLE progname
PUBLIC progname
progname proc
progname endp
. 6.2. COM program structure
TITLE pgmname
ORG 0100H
; enter variables here
; enter logic here
. 7.1 Sample of Main Program
; sample 1
title program1
DOSSEG ;Use Microsoft segment convention
cr EQU 0dh ;carriage return
lf EQU 0ah ;linefeed
messg DB 'Welcome to MASM Assembler programming with kEDITOR',cr,lf,'$'
start: mov ax,@DATA ;load segment address to ds
mov ds,ax
mov dx,OFFSET messg
mov ah,09h
int 21h
mov ax,4C00h ;AH=4Ch (DOS Exit function),AL=0 error free
int 21h
END start
. 7.2 Sample of Main Program calling a Subprogram
; sample 2
title program2
DOSSEG ;Use Microsoft segment convention
cr EQU 13 ;carriage return
lf EQU 10 ;linefeed
messg DB 'Sample program - Calling subprograms',cr,lf
len_mess EQU $-messg
start: mov ax,@DATA ;load segment address to ds
mov ds,ax
call messout ;calling subprogram messout
call done ;calling subprogram done
messout proc
mov bx,1 ;file handle 1 for standard output
mov cx,len_mess
mov dx,OFFSET messg
mov ah,40h
int 21h
messout endp
done proc
mov ax,4C00h ;AH=4Ch (DOS Exit function),AL=0 error free
int 21h
done endp
END start
. 7.3 Sample of Macro Writing
; sample 3
title program3
DOSSEG ;Use Microsoft segment convention
mov ah,intno
int 21h
cr EQU 13 ;carriage return
lf EQU 10 ;linefeed
messg DB 'Sample program - Macro Writing',cr,lf
len_mess EQU $-messg
start: mov ax,@DATA ;load segment address to ds
mov ds,ax
mov bx,1 ;file handle 1 for standard output
mov cx,len_mess
mov dx,OFFSET messg
DOSCALL 40h ;use macro definition DOSCALL
mov al,0 ;error free
END start
. 7.4 Sample 1 of String Copying Processing
str1 DB 'Sample program - String Handling',cr,lf
str1len EQU $-str1
str2 DB 50 DUP(' ')
mov si,offset str1
mov di,offset str2
mov cl,str1len
xor ch,ch
shr cx,1
jnc moveword
rep movsw
. 7.5 Sample 2 of String Copying Processing
cld ;move/copy string from string1 to string2
lea si,string1
lea di,string2
mov cx,len_str1
rep movsb
mov cx,len_str1
mov dx,OFFSET string2
. 7.6 Sample of String Searching Processing
cld ;use of scasb to scan
mov cx,len_str2
lea di,string2
mov al,'l' ;scan string2 for 'l'
repne scasb
jne notfnd ;not found
found: mov ah,0 ;found
dec di ;point back to offset of 'l'
jmp short jump
notfnd: mov ah,1
. 7.7 Sample of Table Processing
; sample 5
title program5
DOSSEG ;Use Microsoft segment convention
table DB 'MONDAY '
table_width EQU 9
weekday DB 9 dup(" ")
start: mov ax,@DATA ;load segment address to ds
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
lea si,table
mov al,3 ;third weekday
dec al
mul NINE
add si,ax
mov cx,table_width
lea di,weekday
rep movsb ;should have 'WEDNESDAY' in weekday
mov ax,4C00h ;error free
int 21h
END start
. 7.8 Sample of Loop Processing
jcx jumploop
mov byte ptr [si],0
inc si
loop zeroloop
. 7.9 Sample of Subroutine Interface with C
_SumOf3 proc
push bp
mov bp,sp
sub sp,2
mov ax,[bp+4]
add ax,[bp+6]
mov [bp-2],ax
mov ax,[bp+8]
add ax,[bp-2]
mov sp,bp
pop bp
_SumOf3 endp
. 8. Compiler Directives
Data Allocation
. 9. Compiler Options
/A writes segments in alphabetical order
/B sets buffer size
/C specifies a cross-reference file
/D creates Pass 1 listing
/Dsymbol[=value] Defines assembler symbol
/E creates code for emulated floating-point instructions
/H lists command-line syntax and all assembler options
/Ipathname sets include-file search path
/L specifies an assembly-listing file
/ML makes names case sensitive
/MU converts names to uppercase letters
/MX makes public and external names case sensitive
/N suppresses tables in listing file
/P checks for impure code
/S writes segments in source-code order
/T suppresses messages for successful assembly
/V displays extra statistics to screen
/W{0/1/2} sets error display level
.10. BIOS Interrupts
INT 05H Print the screen
INT 10H 00H Set video mode
01H Set cursor size
02H Set cursor position
03H Read cursor position
04H Read light-pen position
05H Set active display page
06H Scroll window up
07H Scroll window down
08H Read character and attribute at cursor position
09H Write character and attribute at cursor
0AH Write character
0BH Set color palette
0CH Write graphics pixel dot
0DH Read graphics pixel dot
0EH Write character in teletype (TTY) mode
0FH Get current video display mode
10H Set palette registers
13H Write character string
INT 11H Equipment Determination
INT 12H Memory Size Determination
INT 13H 00H Reset diskette system
01H Get diskette status
02H Read diskette sectors
03H Write diskette sectors
04H Verify diskette sectors
05H Format disk track
INT 14H 00H Initialize serial communications port parameters
01H Send character to communications port
02H Read character from communications port
03H Get serial communications port status
INT 16H 00H Read a character
01H Check if character is ready for reading
02H Get current shift status
INT 17H 00H Printer output
01H Initialize printer port
02H Read printer port status
INT 19H Bootstrap loader
INT 1AH 00H Read time clock
01H Set time clock
04H Read date from time clock
05H Set date in time clock
.11. DOS Interrupts
INT 21H 00H Program terminate
01H Keyboard input with echo
02H Display character output
03H Auxiliary input
04H Auxiliary output
05H Printer output
06H Direct console input/output
07H Direct console input without echo
08H Character input without echo
09H Display character string
0AH Buffered keyboard input
0BH Get keyboard status
0CH Clear keyboard buffer and then input
0DH Disk reset
0EH Select default disk drive
0FH Open file
10H Close file
11H Search for first matching disk filename
12H Search for next matching disk filename
13H Delete file
14H Sequential read
15H Sequential write
16H Create file
17H Rename file
19H Get default disk drive
1AH Set disk transfer area address
1BH Get allocation table information
21H Random read
22H Random Write
23H Get file size (in record count)
24H Set random record number
25H Set interrupt vector
26H Create a new program segment prefix
27H Random block read
28H Random block write
29H Parse filename
2AH Get date
2BH Set date
2CH Get time
2DH Set time
2EH Set/reset verify switch
2FH Get disk transfer area address
30H Get MS-DOS version number
31H Terminate and stay resident
33H Get/set Ctrl-Break
35H Get interrupt vector
36H Get free disk space
38H Get/set country-dependent information
39H Make subdirectory
3AH Remove subdirectory
3BH Change current directory
3CH Create file
3DH Open file
3EH Close file
3FH Read from file or device
40H Write to file or device
41H Delete file
42H Move file pointer
43H Get/set file attributes
44H IOCTL - Device driver control
45H Duplicate file handle
46H Force handle duplication
47H Get current directory
48H Allocate memory
49H Release allocated memory
4AH Modify allocated memory block
4BH Load/execute program
4CH Terminate process with return code
4DH Get return code of subprogram
4EH Search for first match
4FH Search for next match
54H Get verify flag
56H Rename file
57H Get/set file date and time
58H Get/set allocation strategy
59H Get extended error code information
5AH Create temporary file
5BH Create new file
5CH Lock/unlock file access
62H Get PSP address
INT 22H Terminate address
INT 23H Control-C/Control Break address
INT 24H Critical error handler address
INT 25H Absolute disk read
INT 26H Absolute disk write
INT 27H Terminate and stay resident
INT 2FH Print spool control
.12. Keyboard Scan Codes
Key in HEX in Dec Key in HEX in Dec Key in HEX in Dec
--- ------ ------ --- ------ ------ --- ------ ------
A a 1E 30 F1 3B 59 1 02 2
B b 30 48 F2 3C 60 2 03 3
C c 2E 46 F3 3D 61 3 04 4
D d 20 32 F4 3E 62 4 05 5
E e 12 18 F5 3F 63 5 06 6
F f 21 33 F6 40 64 6 07 7
G g 22 34 F7 41 65 7 08 8
H h 23 35 F8 42 66 8 09 9
I i 17 23 F9 43 67 9 0A 10
J j 24 36 F10 44 68 0 0B 11
K k 25 37
L l 26 38 ! 02 2 Left 4B 75
M m 32 50 @ 03 3 Right 4D 77
N n 31 49 # 04 4 Up 48 72
O o 18 24 $ 05 5 Down 50 80
P p 19 25 % 06 6
Q q 10 16 ^ 07 7 Num Lock 45 69
R r 13 19 & 08 8 Scroll Lock 46 70
S s 1F 31 * 09 9 Caps Lock 3A 58
T t 14 20 ( 0A 10 Prt Sc 37 55
U u 16 22 ) 0B 11
V v 2F 47 _ - 0C 12 Home 47 71
W w 11 17 + = 0D 13 End 4F 79
X x 2D 45 | \ 2B 43 PgUp 49 73
Y y 15 21 { [ 1A 26 PgDn 51 81
Z z 2C 44 } ] 1B 27
: ; 27 39 Ins 52 82
Esc 01 1 " ', 28 40 Del 53 83
Tab 0F 15 < ,. 33 51
Ctrl 1D 29 > . 34 52 Left Shift 2A 42
Alt 38 56 ? / 35 53 Right Shift 36 54
Space Bar 39 57 ~ ` 29 41 - 4A 74
Return 1C 28 Backspace 0E 14 + 4E 78